01 nile
6,695km east and north africa
The world’s longest river has two main tributaries: the Blue Nile, rising in ethiopia, and the longer White Nile, emerging from Lake Victoria. Figures for the river’s length vary, as the exact source is still debated; 6,650km and 6,695km are often quoted, but an expedition in 2006 claimed to have reached the true source, and subsequent figures have been as high as 6,853km. Whatever its true length, the Nile – which flows through Uganda (and alsopossibly the democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Burundi, depending on the accepted source), South Sudan, Sudan, ethiopia and egypt on its way to the Mediterranean, is one of the world’s mightiest rivers.
02 amazon
6,516km south america
this river discharges 2,00,000m3of water
per second, fed by sources in Bolivia, colombia, ecuador, Peru and Brazil.
03 Yangtze
6,380km china
chiang Jiang, a mandarin name for the yangtze, means literally ‘long river’ – it drains about 20% of china’s area.
04 Mississippi-Missouri
5,969km usa
this combined river system drains some 31 us states and two canadian provinces.
05 Yenisei river
5,539km siberia
there’s some debate about the true source of the yenisei, so its place in this list could be lower.
06 Ob-Irtysh
5,410km siberia
the ob river flowsthrough siberia into the Kara sea, while its tributary the irtysh rises in the Altai mountains.
07 Yellow river
5,464km china
the basin of theHuang Ho (also known as ‘china’s sorrow’) was the birthplace of chinese civilisation.
08 paraná–río de la plata
4,880km south america
this river’s name comes from the tupi phrase para rehe onáva, meaning ‘as big as the sea’.
09 Congo River
4,700km central africa
Also known as theZaire, the congo is the world’s deepest river – depths of 230m have been measured.
10 Amur–Argun
4,440km north asia
the Amur flows2,824km along the russia-china border, and is fed by the Argun rising in inner mongolia.
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